Everyone knows Gustav Klimt’s “Woman in Gold”.  But Klimt was famous for making many repetitive designs filled with swirls and gold and texture.  In this class we will work on two different ways to design our masterpieces and will work with gold leaf, raised gold lines, mica paints, stencils, and more.   You can work in watercolor or acrylic (or collage, gouache, pastel, and maybe even oil) and we will be combining different media in our work.

In the first class, we will become familiar with Klimt’s designs and those of other artists, then practice some techniques.   In the second class, we will compose our designs and begin our backgrounds.  The last two classes we will make our visions come to life.  You should have a good knowledge of how your chosen medium works.

DATES:  Mondays, May 6th, 13th, 20th, and June 3rd, 2024   (No class on Memorial Day)

TIMES:   1:30-4:30 p.m.

COST:     $80.00 plus $25.00 supply fee (total of $105.00) payable to Instructor the 1st day of class (for 4 classes)

REGISTRATION:  Begins April 15, 2024.  To register, email Deborah at dorourke12@mac.com.  A supply list will be provided upon registration.

SKILL LEVEL:  Please be experienced in the media you choose to use, i.e. watercolor, acrylic, etc., as this is not a beginner’s class.


“A LITTLE BIT OF KLIMT” – Mixed Media Class with Deborah O’Rourke