Adventures in Scratchboard

Instructor Name: Ginny Hutcheson
Instructor E-Mail: vhutcheson@msn.comGinny Hutcheson
Instructor Phone: 520-906-0930

Date and Time:   Friday January 13, 20, 27      9:00 am to 12:00

Maximum Number of Students (assumes normal non-covid room capacity):   15 students

Student experience level:  Those who have worked in Scratchboard before.

The Adventures in Scratchboard class will continue with teaching different methods of coloring a finished art piece, introduction, and use of more scratch tools, what makes a good scratchboard subject, copyright infringement issues and how to preserve the artwork. Students bring their own pictures and tools to work with. Individual attention is given to each student according to their level of help needed.

Registration:   Registration opens Dec. 30 2022.  Please email Ginny at  and include the name and starting date(s)  of the class / classes  you are registering for.

This class provides all Quail Creek residents the opportunity to learn to paint. In order to register for this class you need to become a member of the Fine Arts Painting Club. Go to the ABOUT US/MEMBERSHIP tab on this website to learn how to join the club.

Cost: $20 per class

Supply List: Scratchboard Supply List